Funny Dating Quotes to get you in the mood for a hot dude. Or dudess. These will put you in the right frame for the night game. Laughter is the best aphrodisiac.
I’ve been on so many blind dates I should get a free dog.
- Wendy Liebman
Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night.
- Woody Allen
What is a date, really, but a job interview that lasts all night? The only difference is there aren’t many job interviews where you’ll wind up naked.
- Jerry Seinfeld
Whenever I want a really nice meal, I start dating again.
- Susan Healy
I dated a hypnotist once. She was the
hottest, smartest, skinniest, funniest, kindest, most glamorous and
sophisticated woman I’ve ever met.
- Kent Graham @KentWGraham
On a date I wonder if there’s going to be any sex. And if I’m going to be involved.
- Garry Shandling
I went on a date recently and the guy took me horseback riding. That was kind of fun, until we ran out of quarters.
- Susie Loucks
My sister was with two men in one night. She could hardly walk after that. Can you imagine? Two dinners!
- Sarah Silverman
I went out to dinner with a Marine. He looked at me and said, “I could kill you in seven seconds.” I go, “I’ll just have toast then.”
- Margaret Smith
I asked this one girl out and she said, “You got a friend?” I said yes. She said, “Then go out with him.”
- Don Irreva
My father always said, “Be the kind they
marry, not the kind they date.” So on our first date I’d nag the guy for
a new dishwasher.
- Kris McGaha
hate first dates. I made the mistake of telling my date a lie about
myself, and she caught me. I didn’t think she’d actually demand to see
the bat cave.
- Alex Reed
I know a guy who breaks up with women all the time. He calls it “going home in the morning.”
- (Unknown Author)
I miss dating The excitement of meeting someone new, that feeling of butterflies when you see if you can climb out their bathroom window...
- MF FairyPrincessSmoo @Smooheed
You can tell how single I am by the way my cat and dog wear their sombreros with quiet dignity and acceptance.
- Angie Davis @Adar79Angie
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The best part about speed dating is
having 8-10 new guys to drink with, and none of them are keeping track
of how many drinks you've had.
- Miss Moneypenny @MoneypennyNaked
My boyfriend does this cute thing where he files for a restraining order.
- Eden Dranger @Eden_Eats
Date: [looking at menu] Want to share anything?
Me: Oh. I made out with your brother once....God that feels good to get off my chest. You?
- Amanda Hugnkiss @caliluvgirl77
Guy: You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.
Girl: You just want to have sex with me.
Guy: Wow, you’re smart too, I like that.
- Your Mom @HorribleDancer
My girlfriend said I was too controlling, and it wasn't her turn to speak.
- C'est la vie @Robert_Beau
Award-Winning Comedy Song about dating and relationships.
(Opens in new window, at my entertainment site. - Greg)
An online dating site for really old people called Carbon Dating.
- Kelkulus @kelkulus
Hi mom and dad, meet my new boyfriend, Netflix
- Swishergirl @Swishergirl24
[determined not to have any awkward silence during date]
"So, what's your favorite part of a banana?"
- Brent @murrman5
a girl she's more attractive when she's not wearing glasses and she
said I'm also more attractive when she's not wearing glasses.
- Kevin O'Neill @KevinBuffalo
just cancelled a date for tonight & told the dude I was sprayed by a
skunk. Who would make that up? Me. I would make that up.
- Kate @Juststopkate
Dating is where you pretend you’re someone you’re not to impress someone you don’t know.
- Melanie White
I like to date schoolteachers. If you do something wrong, they make you do it over again.
- Rodney Dangerfield
Save a boyfriend for a rainy day, and another, in case it doesn't rain.
- Mae West
defines humans better than their willingness to do irrational things in
the pursuit of phenomenally unlikely payoffs. This is the principle
behind lotteries, dating, and religion.
- Scott Adams
is our greatest invention. On the list of great inventions, it ranks
higher than the Thermos bottle and the Airstream trailer; higher, even,
than room service.
- Tom Robbins
A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
- Ingrid Bergman
The main lesson I took from Lady and the Tramp is that dating below your station might result in someone who can get you free spaghetti.
- MehGyver @AndrewNadeau0
One day, some guy is gonna see me eating a whole rotisserie chicken with my bare hands in my parked car and think "That's her, she's the one."
- Eden Dranger @Eden_Eats
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